Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can a scorpions stinger pass through a glove?

I want to hold my Emperor scorpion and i was wondering if its stinger can pass through....

A latex glove?

2 latex gloves on one hand?

Or those gloves that people use for gardening, that are really thick?

If not any of these which gloves can i use so its stinger cannot pass through?

Can a scorpions stinger pass through a glove?antivirus downloads

I've never heard of an emperor scorpion stinging anybody. They are very calm.

When I first got mine, it would pinch me when I went to pick it up, but after it got used to me it didn't even do this.

It never even stung its prey; it just grasped it and ate it.

That huge scary venom sac seemed to be just a decoration.

Can a scorpions stinger pass through a glove?cafe racer

Wow cool you have a scorpion!

I think you can't really hold the scorpion in your hand if you don't want to be sting. Better safe..

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