Monday, October 19, 2009

Is Photoshop really better than Corel?

I'm using Corel X3 suite and I've tried Photoshop CS2 which in my opinion is more difficult to understand. I've also created almost everything I wanted in Corel. So, could you explain what makes Photoshop better?


Is Photoshop really better than Corel?hijack this

Adobe products are the industry standard. Hands down they are the best to use, when all the products are paired together they allow an amazing ease of workflow, and once you have a solid grasp of the software it is not very hard at all to understand. If you are considering a career in the graphic arts/digital design, you'll want to be VERY familiar with Adobe. 90% of companies use Adobe software, Corel is slowly dying. In my opinion, Photoshop will outdo Corel products by miles, and it can do no matter what you are designing for (print, web, etc). Also, keep in mind that most print shops do not support Corel. Look around, most support Adobe.

Is Photoshop really better than Corel?liveupdate

I agree with the above. Corel may be "user-friendly" but in comparison to PS, it's just much more versatile and widely-used (meaning you'll be able to put your hands on some nice brushes easily and few other things like tutorials). Besides, PS isn't hard to work at all.. I got the basic understanding of it in a days worth of playing around and now I'm able to make some sweet designs/manipulation/edits etc.

Go with photoshop, just give it some time.. you won't regret it.
I would choose Photoshop because I have more flexibility with PS. You answered it yourself though, Corel is easier to use and Photoshop is more advanced and has more features if you know how to use them. PLUS, there are more PS online tutorials out there than Corel :)

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