Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop colors?

for some weird reason photoshop has started making weird colors say i paste something from a website or paint it'll change the images orginal colors to a brighter colors and if i save a psd file as a jpeg when im through and open it up in say paint the colors will be duller then they were in photoshop it's a little annoying and im using CS2

Photoshop colors?systemworks

Saving as a jpg has nothing to do with the color shifts. The problem is in the files you're bring in off the web (notoriously poor quality), and going from Photoshop to Paint.

You're just throwing around too many variables.

Photoshop colors?windows

don't save as a jpeg. it's not as good quality and your settings are set to make and file but psd to open in paint. your problem could be in what you are doing. check how you have your actual colour mode set up.

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