Monday, October 19, 2009


i wanna make a banner and i see a lil link on photoshop and it says"download free trial" it wont mess anything up on my compter will it and will it always be free or just for awhile?

help! thanks!

Photoshop!?!?spyware removal

The free trial of Photoshop shouldn't mess up anything on your computer, and it's temporary. After, I believe, 30 days, your trial will give you the option of purchasing it online or entering your registration number. Of course, if you didn't buy it, you don't have a registration number.

The learning curve for Photoshop is rather steep. There are a lot of banner makers out there and a lot of templates. For example, you can download free templates that are modifiable in Paint at, Creative Connectivity or Kate Kreates.

You can download a 30-day free trial of banner making software at or get free banner software at

Run a search and you'll find more.

Photoshop!?!?virus protection software

No, it won't mess anything up on your computer (just make sure you download the software from site below). The trial version of Photoshop lasts for 30 days.

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