Monday, October 19, 2009

I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files?

I need help with a project in which I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files ..

I have a page of instructions on how to do this using "Photoshop 7.0" but I can't figure out how to do it using Elements 4.0 ..

I scanned this page in and can send it as an attachment to anyone who thinks they can help..

The instructions talk about creating a "new action" using the "action tab" and "changing the resolution to 72 dpi and the height to 600 pixels. Leave the other settings alone, but make sure constrain properties and Resample Image: Bicubic are both checked"

I am somewhat new to Photoshop and have NO idea what Constrain Properties and Resample Image: Bicubic mean..

Help! This project is due Monday and needs to be MAILED!

I have asked my boss for help but she is slow responding and is not of much help..

The end result is to look like this -


I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files?hijackthis

Download N install Adobe Reader 7

in that download N install PDF files On line,its a trail version

for 30 days or so N follow the instructions on the screen

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