Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop for architecture class?

I need to do a portfolio to print for architecture with photoshop. Does anyone know how can i begin? Do you have any example? Or what photoshop do i need for a portfolio, not online? Please help thank u

Photoshop for architecture class?norton ghost

There is a great book called Portfolio Design by Harold Linton. It guides you through creating your portfolio. There are examples of several different portfolios in there, too. You can follow this link to the website:

You can use standard photoshop to create your portfolio, of InDesign.

I just finished my portfolio, and I will try to help you to the best of my abilities if you need it. Just email me through my profile page.

Photoshop for architecture class?software

Your question is confusing. Are you applying to study architecture and you need a portfolio to get accepted into the program?

If so, first contact the school. I am sure they have guidelines to tell you what they want to see in the portfolio, how many pieces, etc.

Probably they will want to see basic drawing from direct observation (drawing things you see around you, not copying photographs.) It wouldn't matter if these drawings were "finished" works or pages/studies out of a sketchbook. What they are looking for is a basic understanding of translation: real dimensional world to a 2-D surface, with composition, proportion, modelling of the surfaces through value, etc.

Hope this helps!

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