Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop learning!! Help?

Every time looking at people's amazing work in photoshop, I really want to do that too. Can somebody recommend some good photoshop learning books to me plz. thank you

Photoshop learning!! Help?norton

There is some good tutorials here:

Photoshop learning!! Help?spyware remover

Good-Tutorials doesn't write tutorials, they're just a link directory of poor tutorials. Report It

Absolute best thing to do is to download the demo version and start playing with it tool-by-tool. As you get to know it, you will see how powerful it is. If your budget is limited, look into Photoshop Elements. That is how I learned.
Start with one of those Photoshop for Dummies books. They're actually quite good. Then, get on Google and type in Photoshop tips. Or tricks.. or Photoshop tutor.

You'll get good stuff on the net for free.
The Adobe press has some great beginner books that will guide you through using the tools. Anything in the friends of ed series or by Scott Kelby. My suggestion is, to go to your local Barnes %26 nobel / books-a-million / borders / etc.. and just start browsing. Everyone learns differently, so you will ultimately find the best books for the way you learn. There are also a plethora of of sites that have tutorials for pretty much anything you would like to learn. As far a basic tutorials is a good choice.

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