Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop Download....?

I want to download Photoshop but don't have the money for it. Anywhere I can get it for free or anything free that is similar to Photoshop?

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I'm going to write what the person above me wrote. Use GIMP. It's very similar to photoshop and it's free. Just don't download from limewire or torrent sites because there is a high possibility that you will get a virus. I know what i'm talking about because I tried that and almost broke my laptop. I learned my lesson and will never do that again.

Most of the things that pop up on limewire are porn and viruses.

Photoshop Download....?spyware removal

Picasso is also fun and free. :)
It is illegal to freely download Photoshop. However, you may want to check out GIMP, at This program is very similar to Photoshop, is free, and actually has a few more features. You can also extend it with scripts and plugins.

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