Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photoshop Tutorials.?

Hey I was wondering I have photoshop elements, but I was wondering where can I go to find different photoshop tutorials for like icons and graphics, I tried livejournal but I still wanna look other places! Thanks sooo much!

Photoshop Tutorials.?network security


Photoshop Tutorials.?norton internet security Report It

try sites listed on this page its very useful

Photoshop CS2 layer assistance please!?

I have photoshop CS2 because i heard it was top of the line. I want to say, make desktop background out of pictures. I need layers, right? So I select the one i want to use as the "background". I want to place other, smaller pictures on this larger one. How do i make it so that photoshop will allow me to do that?

Photoshop CS2 layer assistance please!?network

When you paste the second image selection into the workspace it should automatically create a new layer, assuming you are working in a PSD file. If you just open the image (JPEG, GIF, or BMP) it will not allow you to work in a layered space.

Photoshop 7.0!!?

i just got adobe photoshop 7.0 and i had only worked with photoshop elements 2.0 and im having trouble finding the selection brush tool, you know the one that lets you fix your selection after you've used the lasso tool... does anyone know what im talking about?? help please!!

Photoshop 7.0!!?nortan antivirus

short cut: TAB

Photoshop 7.0!!?nortonantivirus

I just looked at my Photoshop CS2 and cannot find a selection brush. CS2 is a newer version then 7 so I suppose it my have been omitted or been only part of elements. I learned on 5 which I still have a copy of and there is not selection brush tool there. I do not understand exactly why there would be one as all the tools can be used on a selection. I'm pretty good at photoshop so if you want to tell me more specifically what you want to do I will try and work it out. To do this email me at and put photoshop problem in the subject line. There is a good newsgroup for photoshop questions at

Photoshop serial number?

I own photoshop CS2, but don't know where my serial number is. Can I find it in photoshop itself? (In the about phoshop screen)

Photoshop serial number?nortan

Lol, you sure you bought it?

Photoshop serial number?noton

Its on the disk itself, take it out of your computer and look for it right on top.
It's on the back of the disk box.

Photoshop Trial?

I have downloaded Photoshop Adobe CS3 for a trial period and now have two icons from it on my destop.

One says Adobe Extrator and one says photoshop but when I go into it theres another 8 folders.

Which one am I meant to use?

Photoshop Trial?norton 360

You really shouldn't have the Photoshop folders on your desktop. Where did you install the program? It should have installed to your c:\program files folder by default. Did you extract the files to your desktop without installing?

Have you looked in All Programs? You should find the exe there.

Photoshop Trial?photoshop

The one that says Photoshop. (Duh.)

Photoshop elements 3 brush question. how do you make brushes default brushes? good answer gets 10 po

i loaded a TON of brushes onto photoshop elements 3. and then they all went away after i accidentally clicked "default brushes on the brush type menu. i had to reload sucked. haha. how to i get to "all brushes", or save the brushes ONTO photoshop, so that they never go away from the brush other words, make a default brush.

i'll pick you as best answer if you answer correctly.

Photoshop elements 3 brush question. how do you make brushes default brushes? good answer gets 10 points!?norton 2008

I have Photoshop Elements 4, but I think this should be the same for both. Once you upload the brushes, click the little arrow on the side and click "Save brushes". Make sure you change the name from "Untitled Brushes" to the name you want. If you use the name of an already existing group of brushes, it will replace it, but if you make a new name you'll get a new group of brushes.

Photoshop & Web Design?


i have designed web site on Photoshop, and i saved it for web. Default tables are not good, i want to change table setting. But, it is quite difficult there must be a tutorial which explains how to set it. Anyone knows? How can i change Photoshop's default tables, design will be same, but in code i want to change tables.


Photoshop %26 Web Design?norton antivirus 2007

I don't think Adobe Photoshop is best for creating website. Design, maybe. Use Dreamweaver to create a website and use Photoshop to create it's contents.

Photoshop %26 Web Design?product key

Photoshop designs websites???
Photoshop is a good starting point for laying out your page and giving it a look, but you'll want to have a dedicated web design program. Professionals prefer Adobe Dreamweaver and GoLive, while less-seasoned people may go to Microsoft FrontPage. These are pretty expensive.

For a cheaper solution, you can check out the many shareware programs out there like CoffeeCup's VisualSite Designer (Windows) or Freeway Express (Mac) among others. You can go to and enter web design in the search to find a list of software for every level.

By far, the cheapest is to learn (X)HTML and CSS, but requires a bit of learning on your part. For tutorial and refernce books, I highly recommend the many fine titles from Peachpit Press' Visual QuickStart series.
Not good. Import it in Dreamweaver
If i make a webpage using photoshop, i usually save it as a png file and then edit it using fireworks. you can cut the image into smaller parts and then save it as a web document. Also you can do it to cut out extra parts.
Photoshop isn't very good for creating websites... it's great for making the graphics, of course, but to create the actual web page I think you have to use HTML code or use a WYSIWYG (what you is what you get) editor. Using either of these methods would enable you to customize your tables.

Although I might be wrong, I was under the impression that saving for web in Photoshop simply means that the colors in the image are converted to the nearest web-compatible color.

Of course, Dreamweaver is the best editor, but if you're looking for a free one, I'd recommend Netscape composer... though of course if you're happy working with just HTML, that'd probably be better.
first u hv to know html...

then u open the webpage in dreamweaver and edit it
Im photoshop take slice tool and draw the tables that you want.

Photoshop for architecture class?

I need to do a portfolio to print for architecture with photoshop. Does anyone know how can i begin? Do you have any example? Or what photoshop do i need for a portfolio, not online? Please help thank u

Photoshop for architecture class?norton ghost

There is a great book called Portfolio Design by Harold Linton. It guides you through creating your portfolio. There are examples of several different portfolios in there, too. You can follow this link to the website:

You can use standard photoshop to create your portfolio, of InDesign.

I just finished my portfolio, and I will try to help you to the best of my abilities if you need it. Just email me through my profile page.

Photoshop for architecture class?software

Your question is confusing. Are you applying to study architecture and you need a portfolio to get accepted into the program?

If so, first contact the school. I am sure they have guidelines to tell you what they want to see in the portfolio, how many pieces, etc.

Probably they will want to see basic drawing from direct observation (drawing things you see around you, not copying photographs.) It wouldn't matter if these drawings were "finished" works or pages/studies out of a sketchbook. What they are looking for is a basic understanding of translation: real dimensional world to a 2-D surface, with composition, proportion, modelling of the surfaces through value, etc.

Hope this helps!

Photoshop Download....?

I want to download Photoshop but don't have the money for it. Anywhere I can get it for free or anything free that is similar to Photoshop?

Photoshop Download....?norton internet security 2008

I'm going to write what the person above me wrote. Use GIMP. It's very similar to photoshop and it's free. Just don't download from limewire or torrent sites because there is a high possibility that you will get a virus. I know what i'm talking about because I tried that and almost broke my laptop. I learned my lesson and will never do that again.

Most of the things that pop up on limewire are porn and viruses.

Photoshop Download....?spyware removal

Picasso is also fun and free. :)
It is illegal to freely download Photoshop. However, you may want to check out GIMP, at This program is very similar to Photoshop, is free, and actually has a few more features. You can also extend it with scripts and plugins.

Photoshop learning!! Help?

Every time looking at people's amazing work in photoshop, I really want to do that too. Can somebody recommend some good photoshop learning books to me plz. thank you

Photoshop learning!! Help?norton

There is some good tutorials here:

Photoshop learning!! Help?spyware remover

Good-Tutorials doesn't write tutorials, they're just a link directory of poor tutorials. Report It

Absolute best thing to do is to download the demo version and start playing with it tool-by-tool. As you get to know it, you will see how powerful it is. If your budget is limited, look into Photoshop Elements. That is how I learned.
Start with one of those Photoshop for Dummies books. They're actually quite good. Then, get on Google and type in Photoshop tips. Or tricks.. or Photoshop tutor.

You'll get good stuff on the net for free.
The Adobe press has some great beginner books that will guide you through using the tools. Anything in the friends of ed series or by Scott Kelby. My suggestion is, to go to your local Barnes %26 nobel / books-a-million / borders / etc.. and just start browsing. Everyone learns differently, so you will ultimately find the best books for the way you learn. There are also a plethora of of sites that have tutorials for pretty much anything you would like to learn. As far a basic tutorials is a good choice.

Photoshop CS2 - best books to read to learn? HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver?

I want to learn Photoshop CS2. I don't have money right now for classes, so I'm trying online tutorials like and I'm looking for some good books with information and tutorials. Can anyone recommend some good books for Photoshop CS2? And, while you're at it, if you have any good books on Dreamweaver MX 2004 or on HTML %26 CSS, I'd love to know about those too.

Photoshop CS2 - best books to read to learn? HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver?nortonantivirus

Look for anything by Scott Kelby in the photoshop field. He's hilarious, and I've learned a lot of what I know about photoshop by reading his stuff. :)

Photoshop CS2 - best books to read to learn? HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver?spyware

for css I'd recomend html,xhtml %26 css by Elizabeth Castro.This

is the link

its a good book lottsa good info don't know anything about

a book for cs2 or dreamweaver

good luck
In addition to books there are a lot of online free tutorials that would help you to learn. Here you will find some nice basic tutorials to start off:

For CSS Tutorials, check out:

Photoshop, help?!?!?

If anyone has/uses photoshop

can u photoshop this picture of me???


if u can

- get dark circle around eyes

-try to get ride of the acne on forhead

- and any other cool affects

heres my email-----%26gt;

Photoshop, help?!?!?noton

I see that there have been quite a few responses already. Here's another attempt:

You certainly have very pretty green eyes!

Photoshop, help?!?!?stinger

wear makeup, girl.
I'll try and email u this later....
i can try and i'll email it to you tonight or tommarow
Sending to your email from lisa1215917@aol.

I sent it to ur email:)

Photoshop newbie??

well ive been wating 2 buy photoshop for awhile now, but idk what version 2 buy or anything, its just been something ive always wanted 2 learn ... so i was wondering.. for a new person starting photoshop.. which should i buy? and is there a book or something i can read 2 learn how 2 use the program?

Photoshop newbie??panda

try Photoshop CS2

Photoshop newbie??suzuki

try this site it has all you need for photoshop

Photoshop Help?

I'm not quite sure if there is, but is there a way that you can cutout pictures by using Adobe Photoshop? I was looking at a couple of pictures that were edited in Photoshop and was also wondering if they have backgrounds. But most importantly.... can I make a photo cutout to change it's background??

Photoshop Help?pc security

yes, just choose the nonuniform selection tool and go all around ur photo (the part u want to keep), invert selection and press Delete, u'll get a blank background where u can replace it for anything, after merging the backround, smooth around ur front part so it wouldn't appear as if it was cautout...

if ur background has only one color u can use the magic wond tool to remove it completely and repeat the previous steps..

Photoshop Help?symantic

yes it is possible in Photoshop, but I dont know the techniques yet.
yes, use the lasso and surround your image and copy it. If you want the background put the lasso around it, invert the image and copy that. If it is too choppy looking, use the "feather" option. You need to be clean about your cut outs just like in real life with a scissor in your hand. There is also a mechanical cutout tool in the lasso options but I don't trust it and do everything by hand and I suggest you do the same.
yes start playing around with the magic wand tool , once you learn how you can do amazing things with just that one tool.

Photoshop, good or bad?

I'm thinking of getting photoshop. I like doing graphics for neopets in general. Can photoshop blend pictures together? And is it a pretty good program to make good graphics?

Photoshop, good or bad?photoshop

if you want something easier then try: Picasa, IrfanView, or even Photo Mechanic.

Photoshop, good or bad?symatec

Photoshop is given a lot of credit i've never used it though, i tink by what've seen its pretty good. I've done Adobe trials for photoshop, but it takes sometime to learn how to work it unless you've already worked with another graphics program.
photoshop can do anything you want it to do, it is the BEST progam, if you know how to use it. it is a high quality professional piece of software. that means it is kind of confusing, pricey, and highly technical. if you want to learn it, go for it. there isn't a better program.
Instead of blowing all kinds of money on Photoshop, get PS Elements, or even Gimp. PSE is about $70, and Gimp is free.

My experiences with Photoshop and Elements have been pretty good. I'm confused by Gimp, but only because I was taught how to use Photoshop, and I haven't been taught how to use Gimp.
Photoshop is by no means bad. It is, however, relatively difficult to get used to, and very hard to master. Theres thousands of options and hundreds of thousands of combinations to work with, which means sometimes finding the one thing you want it to do can take a while.

PHOTOSHOP. On my macs photoshop there is no menu on the left side with all the tools. what do i do?

It just happened after i didnt use it for over a week. I dont know what to do, and im new with photoshop.

PHOTOSHOP. On my macs photoshop there is no menu on the left side with all the tools. what do i do?pop up blocker

Hello jamesw248,

All Adobe Creative Suites programs have a Window menu command that has all of the various pallets. Go up to Window %26gt; Tools menu command and it will come back up. There's a keyboard shortcut that you may have accidentally hit, that made the tool bar disappear.

Best of luck.


PHOTOSHOP. On my macs photoshop there is no menu on the left side with all the tools. what do i do?systemworks

look in the tool box on the left side. the menu has been closed and you should be able to open it back up through there. i bought the book photoshop for dummies, really helps!!! it has mac and pc versions in the book, which is why i am not really sure about mac. i will keep looking to see if i can help.

Photoshop help!?

how can i open abr files on my mac photoshop?

i know how to load them but when i load them on photoshop

it says it doesnt understand the file

is there any way i could use abr brushes?

Photoshop help!?product key

you have to copy your abr files to Program Files %26gt; Adobe %26gt; Photoshop (7.0 CE or CS or CS2 etc.) %26gt; Presets %26gt; Brushes folder first, then only you can load them and use in Photoshop.

Photoshop CS2 Fonts?

I have a bunch of fonts which work fine on my computer and photoshop BUT i have been making posters in school for a club and need to use some more fonts as the basic windows fonts can i say this....crap.

Now i know how to add them to the windows folder but thing is the school computers have resitrictions which stops me from doing this. So what i need to know is how can i just load it straight up into photoshop? You can do this with brushes but was wondering if fonts work too?

Photoshop CS2 Fonts?security

You can't do that with fon'ts, your going to have to get an admin to load the fonts onto the computer for you.

Photoshop free!?

I never owned adobe photoshop before but i started using it and like it. I am not sure but is there any version of it i can download for free? if so what is the most current photoshop i can get for free?

Photoshop free!?software

you can only get the trile of photoshop is free ,but ther is gimp it is free and can work on win ,mac or linux(and i use gimp on my xp computer )you can also try gimpshop it is gimp that looks like photoshop

Photoshop free!?vincent

you can't really get it for free unless you do illegally. Sorry but if you want to do that try torrents.
i downloaded cs2 on limewire
You can download a trial at
You can download a free trial but unfortunately for any "full" version you will have to fork over some money. You may be able to get a good deal on Ebay.
There are free downloads of photoshop (and all other softwares too) on the bittorrent system.

Get a bittorrent client and install it. Go to for good information on various bittorrent clients and links to where you can download them.

Then go to and search there for what you want. There are other search sites too, but this one has reliable files without viruses.
Given that it's one of the big industry standard programs that costs hundreds, I doubt it. You are best off knowing someone who will let you borrow their disk.
just the free trials :)
Yeah, Photoshop can't be had for free unless you want to do it illegally and it's extremely expensive. Photoshop elements is pretty cheap, and there's also and Gimp for Windows, both of which are free, but also pretty awful in every conceivable way. On the Mac you can use Pixelmator, Acorn, and Iris for a low price (around the price of Elements, but they have more features) or Seashore, which is free.



i tried downloading the trial version of photoshop cs3 onto my mac, and i downloaded it, and clicked on set up and everything, and it loked like it worked, but theres all these files on my computer but none of them open with actual photoshop. HELP PLEASE!

i need it quickly!

PHOTOSHOP HeLP!!!!?spyware removal

Does one of them end in .exe maybe you accidentally got the windows version. I know its not likely but i just thought I'd ask given that you shouldn't have "all these files" on a proper mac installation.

PHOTOSHOP HeLP!!!!?virus protection software

I'm assuming you mean you have image files you want to open with photoshop that aren't opening with it.

You can try re-setting photoshop to be the default program for the file types you're working with but the much simpler solution is to click and drag the file you want to open onto the photoshop icon in your dock.

Photoshop elements 6-art history brush??

ive used the art history brush on an earlier version of photoshop but i cant find it in elements 6! is there an art history brush in photoshop elements 6? and if so where can i find it??

Photoshop elements 6-art history brush??spyware remove

It's one of the things in Photoshop that is not in Elements.

Photoshop brush?

how do you take a cs cs2 or cs3 photoshop brush and convert it to a photoshop 7 brush

Photoshop brush?spyware remover

you cant

Photoshop question - how can I add a drop of "Tear" on a picture with photoshop effect?

New to photoshop - trying to add a drop of "black tear" showing the use of non waterproof masacra.

Photoshop question - how can I add a drop of "Tear" on a picture with photoshop effect?spyware

make a new layer. use a brush tool, then pick blending option on the layer, edit the bevel and emboss... after that edit the opacity using whatever(u can use eraser tool)

Photoshop 7.0 question about saving a file?

Ok, on imageready in photoshop, whenever i saev a animation in gif, the qulaity just plummets (its very grainy.)

Photoshop is supposed to be really good quality, what am i doing wrong?

Photoshop 7.0 question about saving a file?stinger

when you click "save" under "File" a box will come up, have a look at the compression %26 number of colors it is set to use.

Photoshop Type Tool Issue - I'm trying to type in photoshop in a document and nothing is happen

I can save a document and type fine. But if i open a preious typed document or open a brand new document and try to type on the previous layer or new layer nothing happens when i type. No numbers no text. But i can type in any other program besides photoshop. I have never experienced this befoee. Does anyone know what's going on? Or can help me?

Thank you very much.

Photoshop Type Tool Issue - I'm trying to type in photoshop in a document and nothing is happening.?suzuki

This might be because the layer is locked. Unlock the layer (if indeed it is locked) and try editing again.

Photoshop Type Tool Issue - I'm trying to type in photoshop in a document and nothing is happening.?virus

Try editing before you copy n paste
A common mistake I have seen in the past is when the type color is the same as the background color. So even though you don't see any type.. something is happening.

Also check to see if after you type and then switch tools, there is a new type layer created.


how can i import an image i did in corel to photoshop? by the way im using corel draw 12 and photoshop cs....i need your help everyone...and i'll appriciate your answers..tnx! :)


First open your file in Corel. At the top of the page ( almost under the "effects") you can see the export button. Click on that and you can save your file in almost any format that you like. You need, choose PSD from the list and it'll be saved with psd format and you can work on it in Photoshop.

Good luck!


simply just drag and drop from corel to photoshop.. or simply save your file as psd or image type files..

just try it and message me if it worked...

using those two I assume you like designing stuff :)

Photoshop colors?

for some weird reason photoshop has started making weird colors say i paste something from a website or paint it'll change the images orginal colors to a brighter colors and if i save a psd file as a jpeg when im through and open it up in say paint the colors will be duller then they were in photoshop it's a little annoying and im using CS2

Photoshop colors?systemworks

Saving as a jpg has nothing to do with the color shifts. The problem is in the files you're bring in off the web (notoriously poor quality), and going from Photoshop to Paint.

You're just throwing around too many variables.

Photoshop colors?windows

don't save as a jpeg. it's not as good quality and your settings are set to make and file but psd to open in paint. your problem could be in what you are doing. check how you have your actual colour mode set up.

Photoshop question?

is there anywhere I can get photoshop for free?

or anything similar to it?

if theres nothing how much does photoshop cost?



Photoshop question?triumph

the gimp is free..

also if you are only into some minor editing, use

Photoshop question?worms

1) Ignore the as$wipes who are inviting you to DL illegal versions of photoshop

2) Get GIMP or otehr freeware versions of photo editors.

Photoshop is a very complex program and unless you're willing to really work at it, it's overkill. You don't need it, and you don't need the troubles you bring on yourself when you DL cracked versions of it (Which, very often, come prepackaged with viruses and trojans).
You can download free 30-day trials from the website.

There are ways to do it illegally, but it takes a lot of computer knowledge to do so.

To create this in photoshop?

i need help recreating the tutorial on this website in photoshop

it is pretty complicated so i would appreciate it if someone made it more easier, and maybe with screen shots. i just started learning photoshop.

i need help please

To create this in photoshop?trojan

If you've just started learning Photoshop, you might want to start a little smaller. That is a pretty complicated project for a beginner. Sorry, I'm sure that isn't what you wanted to hear, but those are relatively advanced Photoshop techniques. Just take it slow and learn step by step, and you'll be there in no time.

To create this in photoshop?abtuvurys 2005

Dude, don't expect someone to do your work for you. If you're really interested in copying that dork's style of gradient fills and shapes, do it yourself.
wow that looks nice. the finish product i mean. i just started not so long ago too. so i cant really help but good luck. imma try to create that and see if i have any skills. hehe.

Photoshop colors stay gray, How do I fix that?

I just outlined a picture and now when I try to color it all the colors are gray. The version of photoshop I have is Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 (Editor) and yes, I'm still kinda new at it

Photoshop colors stay gray, How do I fix that?vincent

Make sure you are in a color, not grayscale, mode.

Photoshop colors stay gray, How do I fix that?adware remover

Also, make sure your mode is RGB or Color. I prefer RGB.

To do this go to IMAGE -- MODE -- RGB

Hey, check out your color modes. This little tutorial style article will help you understand different color modes in Photoshop ....

Photoshop printing quality question?

So I have been playing around and trying different ways to print a decent picture that I have edited in photoshop. I have changed my resolutions from 150, then to 300 because I havent been getting the results I want. I also did change my image to cmyk. For some reason when I print the image it's not that "rich" in color. It almost looks too light. Everything on my computer looks great, just the way I want it. How come the colors are just not as dark? I have a printer that prints quality photo lab prints, however this is my first time using it. I know its cabaple of printing a nice image because somwhere along the lines I accidently printed the image and it printed just a cornor of the image which looked perfect. What settings do I use? I'm using photoshop cs2.

Photoshop printing quality question?virus protection software

300dpi is a standard for printer (flyer, photo) remember to correct the pc screen setting to match your print

Photoshop printing quality question?adware

Make sure that you didn't upsize the image from 150 dpi to 300dpi. In the advanced tab there is a setting to select "photo quality". Report It

Try adobe photoshop its a download its free and i use it all the time and i get paid for my photos.good luck
Okay, since nobody has really explained this well, yet, i'll give it a whirl:

Sounds like your printer is good enough, but here's the deal:

You need to pay attention to:

1. The type of paper you are using

2. The settings in your print manager.

Don't know if you are using a mac or a pc, but when you go to print, click on 'advanced', and you may have to set up a test grid and print one square at a time to get the right results. Once you figure it out, though, you'll have it for other prints. If you know you can get it, (as evidenced by your 'mistake' print mentioned above), then just tweak the settings until it is there. paper choice makes a huge difference, though.

Hope that helps!

Photoshop Help please!!?

ok here is the thing i would like if u edited the pic with some cool effects and put like some background color or somethingand like change the eye color i dont know what ever comes to ur mind please because the thing is that i am making a bet with this guy and i told him that i knew how to us e photoshop better than he does and now im in trouble lol and i dont know what to do since i dont even have photoshop lol!! so here is the link is a pic of me and my brother thanks i would really apreciate ut help!! alot and please send me the results to

Photoshop Help please!!?virus protection

Check your e-mail. I just sent you one.

Photoshop Help please!!?agv

lucky that i am really bored right now..will send to your account!
you can do alot of effects on line in various programs,

LunaPic Online Photo Editor

Online Image Editor

Pixenate - Online Photo Editor

Wiredness: Image Manipulation

Blingee online

fd's Flickr Toys

Photoshop. Software you can buy? What is it?

What is Photoshop? Does it take a lot to run on a computer? Can you just buy "Photoshop" software, or do you have to buy other stuff for it.

Is it a good program?

Photoshop. Software you can buy? What is it?virus scan

Photoshop is an image editing software made by Adobe Inc. It is the industry standard for editing photographs. There are essentially two versions of Photoshop; Photoshop CS2 ($650 US) is more for professionals and people who are more experienced with photo editing, and Photoshop Elements ($90 US) is for beginners who wish to make subtle changes to their digital photos. The software is used for correcting images (Adjusting brightness, contrast, red-eye reduction, color corection, etc.) making images from scratch for the web, as well as making images for print media.

Photoshop can be run by itself on either Windows or Mac. However, you can choose to purchase additional "filters" from 3rd party developers. These filters can be applied to images to make a desired effect, such as making a specific texture.

You can find more info at

Photoshop. Software you can buy? What is it?anti virus scan

Photoshop is a good program. But before you pay for a later version, download another free editing program from They keep updating the many kinds of file it will handle, so you never need to pay anything.
ooh photoshop. my computer came with the basic style but you can also purchase. If you have it..the first time you go to photoshop there should be a pop-up for a 30 dollar more advanced system. you can mess around with pictures and you can hook up digital cameras to it. Uisng photoshop you can put in text,shapes, and so much more. You can get rid of red-eye,acne,or blemishes that you send to people. It's not the world for everything on it but it's preety helpful to me =]

Photoshop Question...?

i am looking for a free photoshop program that i can download onto my computer. i really like making pictures have different effects and making them look different but i don't have a photoshop program on my computer.

any help??

Photoshop Question...?virus scanner

These are free photo editing softwares



(Gimp having menus similar to photoshop)


Get Paint

Google Picasa

Deep Paint


Photoshop Question...?anti virus software

Try this

You can download anything u want just search.I think the best program is "adobe photoshop" .You must download it.
gimp is a nice program. it does almost everything photoshop does, for free. just type "gimp" into

also gimpshop does everything gimp does, but it looks and feels like photoshop, if you prefer that.

Photoshop beginner?

Hey everyone!

I just got photoshop and i am a complete beginner and i'd like to learn more about it, so my question is; do you know where i can learn how to work photoshop and do certian tasks and stuff? lol


Photoshop beginner?viruses

Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop beginner?antispam

Simple answer. Take a basic course. I know there are a thousand books on it, but they will just confuse you. A good teacher will know what you should learn and correct you if you make an error. Unless you are a computer genius, don't go by the book or manual--besides, lots of times--even books written by pros--have poor advice.
get it in google from keywords search [ Adobe Tutorials ]

Photoshop grayscale/color parts....(?)?

how would i in a photoshop

i have photoscape and adobe photoshop (cs and image ready)btw

and i just want to know in a picture how to make some parts grayscale and come parts in color in one picture.

another question is how do i blend a texture or colored background into a picture...of lets say a person.? =]

thanks in advance.

Photoshop grayscale/color parts....(?)?vista

Grey scaling/Colored parts.

Open the image in Photoshop.

Duplicate it.

Now Take the top layer and set it to "Luminosity"

Now (still on the top layer) just erase where you want color the color to be.

And everything else will remain grey.

Photoshop grayscale/color parts....(?)?antispyware

You cannot have part of a photograph "grayscale" without all of it grayscale. Maybe just a term, but important because if you change an RGB photograph to Grayscale you loose all color and many of the features of Photoshop do not work on grayscale images. Okay, that said, what you want to do is change parts to black and white and retain color in some location. How to do this follows:

Duplicate the photo and close the original. Create another layer by Layer %26gt; New Adjustment Layer and select Saturation/Hue. In the window or dialog box that opens, slide the Saturation slider all the way to the left. Your photo will be b/w in this layer. Click OK. You now have two layers, the background which is color and the adjustment layer. The adjustment layer has two icons, one for Sat/Hue and the other to the right. It is solid white. Click once in this white box. Change your colors to the default black and white. With black as the foreground color. Select the Brush tool. Paint the area of the photo you want to be in color. Set the Brush tool to size and softness that works best for the photo you have.

This is a mask. In a mask, black reveals the layer below it. White covers it. If you mess up a little with the black, switch to white and paint over your mess up. This is by far the easiest and best way to do what you wish.

If you wish to make the black and white layer a sepia tone, double click on the Saturation/Hue icon in the layer to reopen those adjustments. Click the box Colorize and move the Hue slider to the color you like best. Click OK when finished

Photoshop Brushes?



I've received Photoshop Elements 5.0 as a promotion gift, and want to know everything about it.

I'm having a little trouble knowing what all the buttons mean....

%26lt;b%26gt;May someone please tell me a great site that offers help to newbs like me?%26lt;/b%26gt;

%26lt;b%26gt;Also,%26lt;/b%26gt; I was wondering...

%26lt;b%26gt;What are really good sites where I can download brushes?%26lt;/b%26gt;


Oh, and please don't be stupid with your answers.

No, I'm not experienced AT ALL with photoshop.

Photoshop Brushes?windows

Go to and search for brushes for all your brushes need.

For fonts

Photoshop Brushes?antivirus download

Go to and search for brushes for all your brushes need.

For fonts

search Google for "Photoshop tutorials" and you will find lots of great sites with cool tutorials and brush techniques

happy learning :)

PHOTOSHOP HELP! Please help me install any photoshop trail on my mac !?

I already had that free trail for mac CS3 but it ended so i want another one and it doesn't have to be CS3. I downloaded some versions of photoshop but than i finish the installation and nothing happens.. oh.... yea... and there is some CD thingy! I am using mac and in my country i don't know if it does have a photoshop to buy and i think it is just too much money. I am using photoshop just for pictures so if you know some other program please let me know ( i already know that gimp program but i don't know how to install that too). I'm desperate!

sorry about my English...

PHOTOSHOP HELP! Please help me install any photoshop trail on my mac !?

The problem is that Photoshop leaves traces of itself to prevent you from installing another trial version.

There's instructions on how to install Gimp on a Mac at that may help you to get it installed.

Adobe Photoshop help.?

Alright, I'll try to explain. For example, I want to make a button for a website. I have the button made from a different program and saved it's image. I load up the image with Adobe Photoshop. How do I make the background of the image transparent so you can only see the button when it's uploaded onto a website? Trying to figure out how to get it to work. I thought I did but it has a white background and the website has a dark grey background so it doesn't match... I thought Photoshop can make the background of an image transparent some how?

Thanks to all your responses!

Adobe Photoshop help.?abtuvurys 2005

Well, there are a few solutions to this. First of all, when you start out your document in PS, you want your background set to "Transparent". However, if you have a layer titled "Background" that is completely white, just delete that layer. Also, if you're making it for Firefox, the image must be in a .PNG to be transparent. If you're making it for IE, the image must be a .GIF. However, I've always found it easier to just make the background of the image the same color as the background of the site. It reduces pixelation along curves.


I am creating a website in Dreamweaver, and creating my graphics in Photoshop/Illustrator (I just dont like Fireworks)... I am having trouble with getting the colors to co-incide with one another.

I take the CMYK code for the color I am using on the website and then I will try to create a background in Photoshop with the same color. But when I enter the CMYK code in Photoshop, it comes out with a totally different color. I even tried to import the graphic in to Dreamweaver, and it really doesn't even match up... Is there a setting that needs to be changed in either of these programs? Has anyone else out there had this problem? Help!

Help with DrEAMWEAVER/PhOTOSHOP....?adware remover

You should be using an RGB colorspace. CMYK is used only for print and will never translate accurately to RGB. Do all your colors, both in photoshop and dreamweaver in RGB and that should solve your problem.

Help with DrEAMWEAVER/PhOTOSHOP....?antivirus protection

In addition to the above, which is correct, you should also be aware of any embedded profiles of colors as well as accounting for the differences in monitor settings of anyone using the site. This is nearly impossible, but the least you can do is make sure your are consistent throughout. Use the hex codes at all times. Those are the standard for web graphics, even if some monitors don't show up well.
CMYK = Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK: this is colour subtraction, reserved for the PRINTING industry. (the more colour you add, the LESS light you have. All colours = black)

RGB = Red, Green, Blue: this is colour addition, reserved for DISPLAYS. (the more colour you add, the whiter you get!)

Change your setting for RGB.

(And get rid ASAP of Dreamweaver and start coding properly: you will never become a web designer with it)

Devianart? Photoshop?

any of u on devianart or know anything about photoshop? where can i find good tutorials and rate my picture on how good/bad it is.

any tips on how to make it better.. it is my first creation.. and if ur on devianart.. want to be friends?

Devianart? Photoshop?adware

I'm on deviant art if you want to add me as a friend here is my link and regarding the creation you did if would have if amazing if you used the gaunassian blur or if you used the smudge tool to blend the colors and created a more realistic look. I can teach you some of the stuff I know about digital painting if you want just e-mail and if you want tutorials go here

Devianart? Photoshop?antivirus scan

I like the fact your using lots of colors, not just 'skin tone' that's actually a really good way to start.

You need to keep taking this painting further, work on your tones, One of the difficult things in doing colored work is maintaining the quality of the light and shadow.

I'm not on devient art but I do have a photoshopped portrait I've done.

The neck is a bit wonky, and the colors are a little flat ... and she needs a hair stylest badly lol but here it is. lol.

I think you should just keep refining the image. be more precice about your color placement,, not just squggles of color. I do think it's a very painterly start though and could be a very pretty image.

Adobe Photoshop helpp???

I just downloaded a torrent Adobe Photoshop but the install notes given say: Burn or mount file with MagicISO. Install it. Use /sn.txt for registering. Could you explain that to me?? I downladed MagicISO but I can't figure out how to burn or mount adobe photoshop. If you know, please tell me . Thanks.

Adobe Photoshop helpp???agv

your instaled program looking for the Adobe photoshop install CD...

retry the the downloading and if the dialog box appers again insert the install CD...

Adobe Photoshop helpp???antivirus software

make sure you have downloaded it from some trusted source

Face slimming on photoshop?

my friend wants me to slim her face in photoshop, because im the only one that has photoshop. how the hell do i do that? lmao and yea i know how to use photoshop, i just dont know how how to slim a face o.O

Face slimming on photoshop?anti virus protection

For a quick job, I'd probably suggest using the Liquify tool, under Filter in the top menu. You can push and pull, shrink and contract, lots of different modifications. If you play with that carefully you should be able to get some real looking slimmer effects, to a degree. Remember to adjust the brush size a lot to get at the areas you want to and not the ones you don't, like for instance distorting the background of the picture accidentally, so people can tell it's been edited.

Hope that helps some~!

Face slimming on photoshop?antivirus

All you need to do is to go to Image bar, look down the list and pick image size. Make sure the box "constrain proportions" is NOT checked. Then make the image thinner by playing with the numbers of pixels a little and seeing what looks good. Just adjust the numbers under width NOT height. And viola!

With Photoshop, how do you get rid of the blurry-effect around a line when filling in a border?

With Photoshop, I will sometimes draw a box around a picture, then do Select...Modify... Border, with a width of 8 pixels. I will then do a Fill, with the foreground color, generally black.

This works find, and I get a black line border, which is what I want.

BUT, around the border is a glowy, blurry light gray area. I don't want this... I just want a solid black border.

How do I get Photoshop to just fill the border with solid black line, and not black line with fuzzy gray as well?

The picture is a JPG, 600 dpi, in grayscale mode.


With Photoshop, how do you get rid of the blurry-effect around a line when filling in a border?anti virus scan

Hit Ctrl+A to marquee your whole graphic.

Go to Select %26gt; Transform Selection

In the "W" and "H" boxes that appear at the top of the screen, set both to 95% or whatever would work for you.

Hit shift+ctrl+i - this will select your outer border

Fill it in with whatever you like ...

With Photoshop, how do you get rid of the blurry-effect around a line when filling in a border?ariel

Use the marquee tool to draw a box the exact size you want, where you want it, and then either use the paint-bucket to fill it in, or the air-brush to spray paint it in.

I have a few questions to buy Photoshop?

Where is the best place to buy photoshop %26 how much is it?

Can photoshop be on one computer or two different computers when you only buy one photoshop??

How much is it???

I need photoshop because I loveee taking pictures and I really want the pictures that are very cleeearr %26 vivid %26 I can deffinetly tell its photoshop because people have their pictures photoshopped on MySpace so please help me :]


I have a few questions to buy Photoshop?anti virus software

may be a few hundred pounds not sure but if you want it its best to get taught by someone or by a book otherwise it is impossible to use

btw dont get elements as it is rubbish

I have a few questions to buy Photoshop?aurora

I'd suggest and not the gimp if you are new to that kind of stuff.

You can get lots of photoshop equivalents for way less - I use Paintshop Pro for ~ 79 or so.

You can usually download free trials to see how yo ulike stuff.

If you just want to do stuff like sharpen up images, make thumbnails, change a few colors and so on, you might find free utilities on - Photoshop and similar are full powered and not for the novice unless the novice is willing to spend a lot of time learning.

What photoshop version is best for making concept designs?

I don't really need photoshop for editing my photos but i want to use it more for designing logos and uniforms. What photoshop do you think would fit my needs at a good price?

What photoshop version is best for making concept designs?antivirus

Hi! I recommend you Adobe Illustrator (CS2 or CS3) instead Photoshop. It better fits to vector graphics such as logo or uniforms design (more scalable and better printable).

Monday, October 19, 2009

On photoshop, how can I make the whole image black, like a silhouette?


I have an image, and would like to edit it but I have never used photoshop before. I would like to make the whole image black (it's this tree on a white background) and I want to make it so the tree is all black, so I can copy the outline exactly how it is. Is it possible to do this on photoshop?

(it's an actual photo, so I can't just fill it in with one colour on paint)

Many thanks in advance!

On photoshop, how can I make the whole image black, like a silhouette?ariel

select all of the white background with the magic wand selector the invert on the options menu. then the tree should be selected simply choose black for "background" colour and delete leaving a black tree on a white background

On photoshop, how can I make the whole image black, like a silhouette?computers

You can do a fill with black on a photo, I just did it... go to select and color range and choose black for the fill. I have Photoshop 5.5
First off, for an accurate answer I would need to see the image.

You need to select your tree, or the background.

If you select the tree. Do This:

Hit the letter D on your keyboard.

Then hit ALT + BACKSPACE on your keyboard.

Your tree will now be completely black.

We have Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and i really want to upgrade.?

I am the graphic designer for a church. We have Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and i really want to upgrade. But I don't know what would be better for me, photoshop elements 6.0 or photoshop CS3.

We have Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and i really want to upgrade.?aurora

go here to adobe's website:

i've never used photoshop elements, but i use CS3 and CS2 every day. i would look at the adobe website and see which version has the tools you need and go from there. there is also information about product upgrade pricing if you qualify.

We have Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and i really want to upgrade.?download

Neither i do GFX too i run with Old fashion CS2 its the best...Very nice....

Easy to get around CS3 is pretty much the same as CS2 i have came out with good graphic designs on CS2 elements i never tried it so i wouldnt kno but CS2 is THE BEST

Adobe photoshop CS2 help?

I don't know ANYTHING about photoshop. I don't know how to do anything. I have Adobe Photoshop CS2. So can someone give me the tutorial or link and how to use photo shop. Also how do you use Imageready. I already have it but i need to knoe how to use it. PLease hrlp me. I don't know how to do anything , not even draw on it. Please tell me wher i can learn these things.

Adobe photoshop CS2 help?auto protect

I recommand you to use Google Picasa to manage and edit your pictures.

Picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups.

Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organized. Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. And Picasa makes it a snap to share your pictures 篓C you can email, print photos at home, make gift CDs, instantly share via Hello鈩? and even post pictures on your own blog.

free download in here, just have a try:

Good Luck, Best Wishes!

Adobe photoshop CS2 help?downloads

Problem with my photoshop brushes?

Sometimes, when I'm using Photoshop (I use CS2), I'll select the brush, and start brushing. Then suddenly the shape of the brush (for instance a default round brush) will suddenly turn to crosshairs. I try changing the brushes, doing different sizes, but no matter what brush I select, instead of seeing the outline of the brush on the canvas, I see this little crosshair thing. I have to shut Photoshop down and then restart it. Is there a way to stop it from doing this, or correct it withouth having to shut down Photoshop and restart the program?

Problem with my photoshop brushes?avast

You can change the brush display shape.



Display and Cursors

Choose "Brush Size" instead of "Precise"

Does photoshop have scripts?

I've had Paintshop Pro for about a year so I'm used to using scripts to make Graphics quicker, but I recently bought photoshop ao I'm wondering if photoshop has scripts just like psp?

Does photoshop have scripts?bmw

Yes, Photoshop allows for scripting. In Photoshop CS3, click Window, Workspace, Automation. There are a number of scripts that are built-in, and you can record your own macros as well.

Adobe photoshop blend help!?

i am new to photoshop and i want to make a cool blend, and i really do not know how to do it. i know how to like upload the photos and stuff but i don't know how to like actually blend the photos and make them look cool. thanks!

oyeah and i have adobe photoshop 5.0

Adobe photoshop blend help!?cafe racer

Here is a link to a tutorial from 2004 that *might* be using version 5. You should at least be on version 7.

Adobe photoshop blend help!?free anti virus

Check some photoshop tutorials:

they are for newer versions but its the same in photoshop 5
Your question isn't too specific. PS 5.0 is pretty old, it's up to Version 10 now.

There are Photoshop tutorial site in the web you might want to look for.

Any photoshop experts out there?

I am just beginning to learn everything my 7.0 version of photoshop can do, and recently discovered how to add new fonts, styles, brushes, etc...Can anyone tell me (in beginners language please) exactly how to create my own brush file so that I can add this as well?? Do I need special software to do this, or can I simply save an image to photoshop and create a new brush file this way?

Any photoshop experts out there?computer protection

i'm gonna give you some links, cuz they explain things better than i do

Any photoshop experts out there?free antivirus download gd at photoshop..but just wondering what is brush file...maybe im practically gd...not theorotically...

sorry...cant help
Open a new file and make it not too big and not too small. About 300x300 pixels is good, but if you want it bigger or smaller thats fine too. That way you have room to work with.

Create a new layer and draw your design on that layer. Delete the background layer so you will see the gray checkers behind your design. Then go to Edit, Define brush, and save it. Then go into your brushes and it should be on the bottom of the list.

Hope that helps!

Using Photoshop?

How do you take a person out of photoshop???? I have photoshop elements 5.0!!! Just got it!

Using Photoshop?computer repair

You can use the Pen tool. There are a lot of tutorials around the net for doing it. Alternatively, if the background isn't too busy, just use the magic eraser on the background.

Using Photoshop?free antivirus

Do you mean how do you take a person out of the picture's background?

Use the lasso tool or the polygonal lasso tool.
There shouldn't be people in photoshop. If you have one I'd take it back to the store!
Use the majic selection tool. If you use the little image with a + on the top with the brush thing, you can basically cirle inside the person, then choose the image with the - to select things outisde the person.

Then, all you need to do is crop them out.

You won't have anything behind them, it will be a solid color or a pattnern. To change that, define a background in a new layer.

Hope that helped!

Free photoshop??

i am looking for a free photoshop or some kind of free download like photoshop.i need it completely free...and not photofiltre.

Free photoshop??computer security


It is probably the best free replacement for Photoshop.

Supports many plugins:

If you run into some problem, read the FAQ here.

Free photoshop??free spyware remobal
The GIMP ( is probably the best FREE application that is like Photoshop, BUT it is not a replacement for Photoshop.

GIMP, which is short for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a raster graphics editor used to process digital graphics and photos. Typical uses include creating graphics and logos, resizing and cropping photos, altering colors, combining multiple images, removing unwanted image features, and converting between different image formats. GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in GIF format.

Adobe photoshop C????

How to get adobe photoshop $$$ less

do i need to download a generator to access photoshop

how to do it...please help

Adobe photoshop C????computer virus

Adobe Photoshop for less?

You may want to search the Internet and compare prices. Here are some web sites:

This came up in Google typing - low price adobe photoshop

1) Product search results for low price adobe photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Windows - Academic License Image ... - $299.95 - B%26H Photo-Video

See low price adobe photoshop results available through Google Checkout

2) Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0: Software... Elements 5.0 and get Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0: A visual introduction to digital photography at an additional 5% off's everyday low price. ... - 144k - Cached - Similar pages

3) Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 (Mac): SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 combines power and simplicity to help you do it all. ... Pay the very reasonable price and be happy doing what you want to with ... - 146k - Cached - Similar pages

4) First look: Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta | TG DailyFirst look: Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta. Wolfgang Gruener. December 19, 2006 21:46 ... Lowest Price: $920.00. 13.3" MacBook Intel Core Duo Notebook ...

Where can i download adobe photoshop?

i used to have adobe photoshop on my computer but i had to get everything erased because my comp. just kept rebooting and now i don't have it anymore. Can anyone tell me where to download Adobe Photoshop like the full version? or have adobe photoshop until my uncle comes and visits because he's the one who installed photoshop on my computer anyways.


Where can i download adobe photoshop?computer

try grimp it is free and just like photoshop

this is gimp for mac

Where can i download adobe photoshop?free spyware

Here is the link:

Minddoctor, France
look at here:

it include all the photoshop version, 5.5-CS2 9.0

you can free download from here.

Good luck


Brothersoft Support

Adobe Photoshop 7.0?

Can anyone tell me or give me the link to a page where i can get paintbrushes for photoshop 7.0 I have tried on google but i just dont understand any of it lol

And also does anyone know how to change the font size on gimp 2.4

Would mainly like the photoshop answers thank you =]

Adobe Photoshop 7.0?computers

Try these

and many more

Adobe Photoshop 7.0?hijack this

You can get paint brushes from virtually anywhere. has some, and there are some tutorials to help you get started. E-mail me if you need anymore help.
best site

photoshop patches

then you will have to install them into the specified APS folder

Any Photoshop experts online now??

I have photoshop 7.0 and have been experimenting/learning with it for almost a year. Questions; 1.) Is it true that photoshop stores (somewhere in my computer) everything I have ever done with this program and if so, how much memory is this taking up on my computer? Is there a way to access this information if I were to wish to go back and re-create something? Is there a way to delete this info to clear memory space? 2.) Is CS-2 the latest version and, does it do everything 7.0 does and alot more? 3.) If I were to buy the new version, would I need to un-install 7.0 first? 4.) I have installed a ton of new fonts, styles, brushes, etc...into the 7.0 version I have now. How would I save/or transfer these additions I made to the new version? I'd truly appreciate any advice/info anyone could share about these questions and, please explain in beginners terms as, I really do not wish to lose any data stored, and am afraid to make a mistake that would take me weeks to fix/ or re-place.

Any Photoshop experts online now??download


1) No, photoshop does not store everything you have ever done. it has a history for each project you have open. but you lose that when you close the project. and it only goes back so far.

2) Adobe Creative Suite 3 is the latest (CS3). Which is Photoshop 9

Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 ?

Okay i have adobe photoshop elements 3.0 and if you have ever used it you know that you can crop pictures into shapes like butterflies,hearts,stop signs,etc.

Is there any other photo programs where you can get other shapes then the ones adobe photoshop elements 3.0 has ?

Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 ?downloads

yes, try gimpshop, you can create your own crop in that, it's free

Basic photoshop?

ok so i once read that someone said if you download adobe reader (i think they meant acrobat reader) that is comes with a free version of basic photoshop.

is this true?

as a warning, im NOT trying to do anything illegal, and i DO NOT want any links that will take me to some place to download photoshop for free.

im just wondering if they offered a basic photoshop with acrobat reader or was this just a rumor?

i am willing to pay for full version of photoshop once i get the money, like i said i was just wondering if its was true or not.

thank you so much.

Basic photoshop?ducati

Sorry. They used to offer a free download of some kind of photo organizer software, which is probably still a free download somewhere on their site, but not Photoshop itself.

They do offer a free 30 day trial of Photoshop at

Basic photoshop?hp

It's not's their Photo Album - usefull for keeping track of your digipics, but otherwise...

Try this instead:

Adobe released a free no-download Flash site with most of Photoshop's tools.
it's just a rumor. but check adobe's website to see if they offer a 30 day trial version.

Learning Photoshop?

I have used Ulead Photoimpact for 5 years now and I now pretty much all of the features. I am now working part time in photo restoration and the only program on the computer is Adobe Photoshop.

I told my boss I've never used Photoshop but I'm highly skilled at photoimpact. I also told him I am willing to learn and should know the basics as I'm a fast learner when it comes to new software in general. I sart this job on Wednesday.

Is Photoshop much harder to learn than Photoimpact and are they very different. I know how to use tools like "Magic Wand" Lasoo" and I know how to use layering. Are all these features in Adobe Photoshop?

Learning Photoshop?firewall

Yep, Photoshop uses the magic wand and has a lasso and layering and all that. I have never used the other program you are talking about, but most of the other software I have used really was not that different. It's mostly just getting familiar with where to find the tools and filters rather than how to use them. As you learn to use the program, if you can't seem to find a filter or a certain tool, simply google something like "photoshop tutorial lasso tool" or whatever it is you need to know - there are tons of sites with tips and tricks that will illustrate whatever you need to learn real quick. I still google tutorials when I need to and I've used photoshop for years and years. If youve used other image software, it will be a peice of cake for you. You might even be able to download a trial version to get a head start on familiarizing yourself with it before you go in on Wednesday.

Which Photoshop CS2 version should I buy?

I am a professional photographer who is just now purchasing Adobe Photoshop. I am very familiar using all of the different versions, but I do not know which one to buy. On there are two different versions of Adobe Photoshop CS2. The first one is entitled

"Adobe Photoshop CS2 [OLD VERSION] by Adobe (CD-ROM - April 28, 2005) (Windows 2000 / XP)"

the second one that you see when you scroll down is entitled,

"Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Windows by Adobe"

The second one is much more expensive. What is the difference between the two?

Which Photoshop CS2 version should I buy?free adware remover

CS2 has been discontinued. It will not read today's RAW files from current cameras (well, newer ones anyway). You have to convert them into DNG (Adobe Digital Negative) files before CS2 reads them.

Best to get the CS3 version. (CS stands for "Creative Suite"). It is really version 9 (for CS2) and version 10 (for CS3).

If you take a lot of photos--Adobe Lightroom is more appropriate. Photoshop is for major, fine editing, but Lightroom is for global editing (for example, correcting white balance in one hundred files at once).

Adobe Photoshop Cs2 problem, please help, pretty simple?

HI, I have adobe photoshop cs2 on my pc. I never have had any problems with it until now. My problem is that I was makeing a new backround for my computer, so I filled out the new template as:

height-1440 pixels

width-900 pixels

resolution 250 pixels/inch

rgb color-16bit.

after I Click ok, the template opens up. Now when I go to filters and try to use effects, only 8 choices are able to be chosen (blur, distort, noise, render, sharpen, stylize, video, and other), and even after going to one of those, there is only like one effect in each catagory that I can use. but when I make a smaller size photo, I can still use the effects. I do have a pretty decent computer, athlon 64 x2 4600+ (dualcore), 2gb ram, geforce 7950GT videocard, good tempature overall, 19'' wide mon. Ive used photoshop for over a year now, so what am I doing wrong? also, I just got a new computer, so I just recently installed it on the new computer. Would reinstalling it do anything? thanks alot! -George

Adobe Photoshop Cs2 problem, please help, pretty simple?free antivirus

switch to 8 bit RGB (you wont notice a difference) to get all the filters back.

Also: for a backgrounds (or anything that is strictly going to be viewed on a computer) you only need 72 pixels/inch. (again you wont notice the difference.) It will save a tremendous amount in the file-size.

Adobe Photoshop Cs2 problem, please help, pretty simple?internet

its the 16bit pallete you chose. Change it to 8 bit.
Lower the resolution to 72
Switch to 8 bit. IMAGE%26gt;MODE%26gt;8 Bit/Channel

Creating Photoshop web sites, deigns, buttons and text.?


I would like to make a website.

But.. I would like to use Photoshop due to the fact it can produce elgent and clean websites..

I would to make text like this;

How would this be possible.

Any help would be awesome.

I have seen some online toutroils.

It seems easy, if you know how to use layers.

I have Photoshop for the Design, DreamWeaver CS3 for coding, and I have Flash Pro CS3 for the flash, I also Have illustraotor CS3, but I don't know how that program works yet.

Creating Photoshop web sites, deigns, buttons and text.?free spyware remobal

I use phtoshop for design work on websites as well.

Yes you would need to learn layers.

The image you asked about isn't terribly difficult.

There are some great tutorials about how to change the look of text that you'll find helpful.

You also want to look at how to get text to follow a path. This will help with the up and down movement of text.

I do my web defvelopment in C#, and I only use photoshop for the graphics - I don't let it write the html for me. I use CSS for my layout instead. It has a lot more advantages.

If you have any more questions, then feel free to email me directly at

Is Photoshop really better than Corel?

I'm using Corel X3 suite and I've tried Photoshop CS2 which in my opinion is more difficult to understand. I've also created almost everything I wanted in Corel. So, could you explain what makes Photoshop better?


Is Photoshop really better than Corel?hijack this

Adobe products are the industry standard. Hands down they are the best to use, when all the products are paired together they allow an amazing ease of workflow, and once you have a solid grasp of the software it is not very hard at all to understand. If you are considering a career in the graphic arts/digital design, you'll want to be VERY familiar with Adobe. 90% of companies use Adobe software, Corel is slowly dying. In my opinion, Photoshop will outdo Corel products by miles, and it can do no matter what you are designing for (print, web, etc). Also, keep in mind that most print shops do not support Corel. Look around, most support Adobe.

Is Photoshop really better than Corel?liveupdate

I agree with the above. Corel may be "user-friendly" but in comparison to PS, it's just much more versatile and widely-used (meaning you'll be able to put your hands on some nice brushes easily and few other things like tutorials). Besides, PS isn't hard to work at all.. I got the basic understanding of it in a days worth of playing around and now I'm able to make some sweet designs/manipulation/edits etc.

Go with photoshop, just give it some time.. you won't regret it.
I would choose Photoshop because I have more flexibility with PS. You answered it yourself though, Corel is easier to use and Photoshop is more advanced and has more features if you know how to use them. PLUS, there are more PS online tutorials out there than Corel :)

I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files?

I need help with a project in which I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files ..

I have a page of instructions on how to do this using "Photoshop 7.0" but I can't figure out how to do it using Elements 4.0 ..

I scanned this page in and can send it as an attachment to anyone who thinks they can help..

The instructions talk about creating a "new action" using the "action tab" and "changing the resolution to 72 dpi and the height to 600 pixels. Leave the other settings alone, but make sure constrain properties and Resample Image: Bicubic are both checked"

I am somewhat new to Photoshop and have NO idea what Constrain Properties and Resample Image: Bicubic mean..

Help! This project is due Monday and needs to be MAILED!

I have asked my boss for help but she is slow responding and is not of much help..

The end result is to look like this -


I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and I need to convert files to resized PDF files?hijackthis

Download N install Adobe Reader 7

in that download N install PDF files On line,its a trail version

for 30 days or so N follow the instructions on the screen

Adobe photoshop cs3 question?

i have adobe photoshop cs2 and image ready on my computer.

my church just recently purchased adobe photoshop cs3 for me.

with cs2 i was able to convert cs2 files over to image ready, but with cs3 i don't see that option.

how can i use image ready with cs3?

Adobe photoshop cs3 question?house call

No more ImageReady in CS3! Read this TechNote from Adobe:

Need Photoshop help! High Dynamicy Range?

I'm very confused about a photo assignment. Here are the instructions that I don't understand:

1) Shoot 5 bracketed images in your camera's RAW (16 bit) file format.

2) Open bridge and select images to use. Tools/Photoshop/Merge to HDR (High Dynamicy Range).

3) Single HDR image will open in Photoshop (looks like any other image but is in 32 bits and has wider density range). Save image right away in PBM (portable bitmapped) format.

4) Convert image to 16-bit mode so you can have the full range of adjustments available.

That's just the first half. I have no idea what that means. Can anyone interpret it?? I feel dumb.

Need Photoshop help! High Dynamicy Range?husqvarna

The dynamic range of a photograph tells you the difference between the brightest white and the darkest black that could be represented by the file format and camera sensor. Digital camera sensors have a dynamic range that is inferior to human vision. To make up for this, a technique has been invented called high dynamic range. To do this, the same picture is taken several times, but at slightly different exposure settings (different times). The shorter exposures get the details in the bright areas. The longer exposures get the details in the dark areas. The "correct" exposure gets the details in most of the image. A computer program is used to put these low dynamic ranges images together into one, bit image with a higher dynamic range. More images at more settings allow an even higher dynamic range. Now, I'll answer your question:

Dreamweaver or Fireworks? Photoshop Elements? And older versions?

I notice in Fireworks it says it can do webpage menu's. Can Dreamweaver do that as well? Also which out of the first 2 should I get or both? And would older versions of Dreamweaver or Fireworks be ok and which version? Since I don't really want to buy the new version. I would really like the Webpage menu option as well.

And after your answer would you suggest Photoshop too? I'd be getting the Photoshop Elements 4.0 if I were to get photoshop.

Right now I do my own coding for a personal site for family and friends. A lot of photography there. No programs used at all except Edit Pad Light. I would like to have some programs to better my website and for a future more personal site. Frontpage etc... wont be an option since I'll be using a newer Macbook = 2.0 GHZ, 1GB Memory, 80 GB Hardrive.

Please, this isn't a computer war. I own a desktop pc and a Mac laptop. I am all for technology just want helpful answers.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Dreamweaver or Fireworks? Photoshop Elements? And older versions?internet security

in web development, it would be good, to have dreamweaver, fireworks, and photoshop.

webpage menu, do u mean drop down menu, if u mean drop down menu, then dreamweaver can do it as well.

However if you are talking about the navigation main menu links, den is good to do in firework. unless you want to do the tough way, in dreamweaver like, have 2 images for 1 link, den 1 image for mouseover effect, 1 for mouseout effect. Then u can through coding do ur mouseover effect.

fireworks: you could do your whole webpage design and slice in, to import into dreamweaver. u can also do your web design in photoshop too

dreamweaver: for u to edit ur html or design

photoshop: the best program for images editing.

hope it helps.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 6?

Is this the cheapest version of photoshop that will still do the basic photoshop things??

because I'm thinking of buying it.

thanks %26lt;3

Adobe Photoshop Elements 6?internet

I have Elements 5 and it works great for me. If you just want to do basic cropping/adjusting and even working with layers and brushes, try the Gimp, which is free.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 6?network

Photoshop Elements 6 is now released. It will do everything that you will probably want to do -- if you are not a professional photograph editor. It has wide range of selection tools, extraction of subject from background regular and special shape cropping, resizing, layers and layer styles, gradients, cloning, healing, brushes, eraser, pencil, shapes, burning and dodging, text, picture packages, image organizer, web gallery, pdf slide shows, and more. In conclusion, it has more than Photoshop 6 has.

Download a free 30-day trial from

Currently at most US Staples it is selling for $70, $90 otherwise. List price is $100. Can't beat it. If you want something free then GIMP.

Any Photoshop pro out here?

I have a problem. I have scannned in a piece of material in photoshop. I have

also done an

illustration in illustrator and brought it into Photoshop but i want to fill it

with the priece of

material so it will look like that the shoe is made of that material. How do i

go about it? Is it

something like mask off teh area outside teh shoe and something? I'd like to knw

the easy

and real way. Not the 'use lasso tool and go round the shoe an ddelete every

little bit of

material etc etc'. thank you. Please guide me. I really appreciate your help.


Any Photoshop pro out here?kawasaki

you have for example an image of a piece of material,

and you have a scanned image of a shoe of sorts,

and you want the shoe to look as it would be made of that material,

if the shoe is divided into sections of outlines, you could try saving image of material as a textured grayscale psd,

select the section of area to be filled and use filter render texture, and color later, but it would be flat, which reminds me that if image is three sided, may want to edit each side of pattern with transform,distort and spherize,

if shoe is one piece, could duplicate layer and pattern layer,

inverse select shoe outline, and switch layer to pattern still with selection tool on, and delete outer area, or reverse selection and copy pattern in shape of shoe, and paste over shoe in another new layer,

Myspace photoshop layout question...?

Am I doing this right?

Design a layout using photoshop EXACTLY how i want it to look like (without Dreamweaver) and slice it. Then save for web into HTML and image files. After doing this, I upload the images from the folder using Photobucket. I then get tags from the uploaded images eg.%26lt;img src="images/blahblah.jpg"%26gt; %26 replace them with the ones photoshop gave me from the source of the HTML file. But I dont replace the spacer.gif files. After doing that i copy the code and paste it into my profile, but it doesn't look right, all the images appear but in a small size and all spaced out. In the future I might ask more questions. But please, HELP?

Myspace photoshop layout question...?ktm

You need to use dreamweaver to get the measurements correct.

Adobe Photoshop CS2(not trail version)?

i want Adobe Photoshop CS2 but the onlystuff i can find is the trail version, i know its illegal to download software, but i cant afford Adobe Photoshop CS2 i mean the prices they are asking for are outrageous. help me please. and i know about GIMP and i dont like it as much as CS2

Adobe Photoshop CS2(not trail version)?live update

GIMP works well although, as you say, it is not PhotoShop.

GIMP is free. Download it, use it and see if it will work for you. When you have the money, buy PhotoShop and you will already know what kind of things you want to do from using GIMP.

Trying to download and crack a version of PhotoShop will only lead you to problems and your computer will probably get infected during your search for the crack. Crack sites are the worst for malware, spyware, viruses, porn, and all kinds of bad stuff. Not advised.

My Photoshop 7.0 program keeps freezing when I try to edit. Why?

I have been running PS 7.0 on Windows 98 without a problem for years. But all of a sudden it started freezing when I tried to edit a photo that I had scanned in from my HP All-in-One. It will save the photo in my Picture folder, but after the first edit it freezes and all the menus go blank, so I have to exit.

Adobe Tech Support no longer helps with Windows 98, so I hope I can get an independent techie to help. I can reinstall Photoshop 7.0, but is that the solution? Also, does that mean I lose all the photos that are in the Photoshop folder? Is my computer the problem? I've run all the virus and scandisk programs, and also defragmented the C and D hard drives. Can anyone help?

My Photoshop 7.0 program keeps freezing when I try to edit. Why?matchless

Try to adjust your allocated memory in Photoshop.

My Photoshop 7.0 program keeps freezing when I try to edit. Why?norton 2008

it could be due to low memory in your PC or, your file size is too big.
It may be adrive p[roblem I can give you a link that deals with hard drive problems.Some RAM/hard drive problems can be easily fixed yourself by using easily available tools. I found the info at useful. Try this site, if you can get what is required

Adobe Photoshop!?

i am using adobe photoshop 6 and photoshop elements 3 and i want to make frame for the photos.but i want a thick frame and write on to can i do it?

Adobe Photoshop!?mcaffee

i think if you go to canvas size, and make the "canvas" bigger, while keeping the photo in the middle you should be able to do it that way.

Free Photoshop? **10 points.?

I know you can get shareware, where it isnt illeagal to download, so what is a shareware photoshop program that isn't just a trial vresion? Im interested in making graphics, so if anyone could tell me a free photoshop program, that isnt illeagal, I'll give 10 points to best answer.

Free Photoshop? **10 points.?microsoft office

do i win?

Free Photoshop? **10 points.?norton antivirus

The trial version of a program means you can try for, say, 30 days before you decide to buy it or not.

When a program it's a trial it's automatically shareware.

The are also shareware with some limitations. Some limitations include: unavailable features until you register, less features, disabled "saving" or "printing", nag screens reminding you to register, time trials, which means you can use the program, say, 60 minutes per session.

As far as I know, there are not any unlimited shareware programs.

Go to goggle and search for the gimp.
Ok, well being photoshop cost money, then the next best thing that is free would me GimpShop.
there isn't a shreware that you can download thats not trial. shareware means trial

freeware means free

sponsorship means its free, but comes with adware.

this last one comes in the small print of very few freeware types.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 vs. Apple Aperture?

I'm in the process of switching over to the Mac and am looking for a good photo program. I normally work with jpeg and mpeg but would also like the ability to work with raw photos from time to time, so I was wondering whether or not I should go with Adobe Photoshop CS3 or Apple Aperture to meet my needs. I checked both out via the web and Photoshop seems to be a better candidate for working with jpeg and mpeg files and you can remove unwanted images from photos (not sure about Aperture though) but Aperture integrates well with other Apple software such as iPhoto and iWeb (which I plan to use a bit), so any help with this decision would be greatly appreciated.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 vs. Apple Aperture?microsoft

Out of all the traditional windows programs, Photoshop is the one I would be least concerned with integrating badly with a Mac. For most graphic designers and other artsy folks who use the Mac, Photoshop is the dominant program.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 vs. Apple Aperture?norton ghost

Aperture is Professional Software to handle RAW photos for Photographers. Not a image composition software like Photoshop meant for Art/Graphic Designers. You Mac comes with iPhoto for basic/inter. photo fixes, use that with Photoshop. Check out my Aperture class at Report It

Adobe Photoshop CS3 definitely provides many more tools for raw photo editing than Aperture, so I'd recommend Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop CS2?

Which book is better?

Working Smart in Adobe Photoshop CS2

Conrad Chavez

Adobe Photoshop CS2 A-Z: Tools and Features Illustrated Ready Reference

Philip Andrews


Adobe Photoshop CS2?moto guzzi

Deke McClelland wrote several books on Photoshop 6 and 7. They are the "Photoshop for Dummies" books and they are excellent I don't have the CS2 version so I haven't checked. You might look in Amazom.con. Deke knows how to explain it all in plain English...............

Adobe Photoshop CS2?norton internet security 2008

Working Smart

Photoshop CS2 A-Z

well, if you already know basics, then you may choose to go with Working Smart , yet if you're still learning maneuvers about the program , may choose to goto with A-Z as more of a guide,

read other answers,

I haven't heard of those two books.

For Photoshop I'd pick Scott Kelby's titles.

I'd also check the Russell Brown site for tips/plug-ins etc.
I don't know about these two books. I would suggest that you go into a Borders or Barnes and Noble and preview each of them. I am a photographer so I use Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Photographers by Martin Evening.

My photoshop colors arent comming out correctly, help?

lately the colors on photoshop arent coming out correctly. I do lots of photoshop tutorials from LJ and they work fine 'till now when I select a color for the tutorial with the hex code it comes out in a green shade and the values on my selective coloring arent as bright as they're supposed to be. the same thing goes when i paste something, is there any way to fix this?

My photoshop colors arent comming out correctly, help?network security

Hi there,

I am not to sure what you mean here.

Do you mean the colours are not printing correctly or not showing up on your monitor correctly?

If it is the printing then i sugest checking if you are viewing a soft proof under view then proof colours, instead of the actual image. Or your print cartridge could be a dud.

If it is on your monitor i would suggest calabrating your monitor.

Is this happening only in Photoshop? Are the menu colours funky too or is it just the picture itself.

Hope that you manage to sort this out soon, i know how frustrating it can be.

All the best.