Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop/Paintshop Brushes/ Tutorial Help!?

I want Photoshop Cs2, but i cant afford it - but i love graphics design, i downloaded the trial and it was impossible it was like jibberish to me, i have Paint Shop Pro but i suck at it too, lol where can i find some cute tutorials to help me and some cute brushes %26 etc for Paint Shop Pro 9.

((and does anyone know where i can find a cheap version of Adobe Photoshop Cs2--i Really want it!))

Photoshop/Paintshop Brushes/ Tutorial Help!?hijack this

Check your mail

Photoshop/Paintshop Brushes/ Tutorial Help!?liveupdate

May I suggest that you try the free Serif Software that you can get at the first link given below?

They have good tutorials that you can download or use online to support you with.

Check out the PhotoPlus page which is the second link given below where you'll find the tutorials laso.

All the best!

go here:

they have some downloads:) good luck!

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